Sheldon Natenberg
I have conducted a number of seminars for RiskMathics and have always found working with them both enjoyable and rewarding. RiskMathics seminars strive to present not only the theory behind the decision-making process, but also how that theory is applied in, and affected by, real-world considerations. Seminar organization, including the choice of venues and preparation of materials, has always reflected the highest degree of professionalism. I’m looking forward to work with RiskMathics to present seminars which meet the needs of investors, market makers, traders, risk managers, or anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of financial markets.
Alan Elizondo
Hemos encontrado en RiskMathics un apoyo efectivo para cubrir nuestras necesidades de formación y actualización, con herramientas de inmediata aplicación en el ámbito laboral. La capacitación especializada que ofrece RiskMathics, con reconocidos expositores nacionales y extranjeros, es única en el Medio Financiero Mexicano.
Edward Altman
I found my teaching and interactive experience with RiskMathics extremely dynamic and a good learning environment. The organization and quality of the attendees were excellent.
Paul Wilmott
“Well-organized courses, with a very intelligent audience. And this makes the job of the lecturer so much easier, and makes the event useful and informative for everyone.”